Potions and Potpourri
A Dungeons and Dragons variety talk show, where two gal pals come together to discuss a "Potpourri" of D&D and other nerdy topics. Filled with interviews, conversations, improv "Potions" creations and live plays! Releases every other Friday wherever you listen. Instagram: @PotionsandPotpourri. TikTok: PotionsandPotpourri. Email: potionsandpotpourri@gmail.com.
Potions and Potpourri
S2 Ep75: Interview - Finding your niche in the TTRPG space (w/ ClassicSamNYGM)
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We have another fantastic guest on the show this week; Sam AKA ClassicSamNYGM. Sam is a professional GM, role player, talk show host and all around big-time nerd. She has her own interview show on Twitch where she speaks with guests all over the nerd-realm and asks some really deep questions.
We asked her to tell everyone what it is like carving out your own niche in an industry already saturated with creators, and she has some great takes on so many TTRPG-related topics!
You can find Sam on Twitch or any social media under the handle ClassicSamNYGM for more content.
Music by Jeremiah Warmbier
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Email us at: potionsandpotpourri@gmail.com