Potions and Potpourri
A Dungeons and Dragons variety talk show, where two gal pals come together to discuss a "Potpourri" of D&D and other nerdy topics. Filled with interviews, conversations, improv "Potions" creations and live plays! Releases every other Friday wherever you listen. Instagram: @PotionsandPotpourri. TikTok: PotionsandPotpourri. Email: potionsandpotpourri@gmail.com.
Potions and Potpourri
S2 Ep74: Interview - Diversity in TTRPGs (ft. Dungeons & Degrees podcast)
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We're back with another interview! This time with the fabulous Adrian and Alex of the chat podcast Dungeons & Degrees. They wanted to bring the topic of diversity in gaming to the table, and each had some really great takes on exactly what that means. Plus, we're all about Selfish Summer now.
Find out more about Dungeons and Degrees here:
Music by Jeremiah Warmbier
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Email us at: potionsandpotpourri@gmail.com