Potions and Potpourri
A Dungeons and Dragons variety talk show, where two gal pals come together to discuss a "Potpourri" of D&D and other nerdy topics. Filled with interviews, conversations, improv "Potions" creations and live plays! Releases every other Friday wherever you listen. Instagram: @PotionsandPotpourri. TikTok: PotionsandPotpourri. Email: potionsandpotpourri@gmail.com.
Potions and Potpourri
S2 Ep59: Interview - Building a new TTRPG, (ft. Aaryn and Jason of Even Footing Games)
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The GalPals are joined by Aaryn Easton and Jason Cassidy of the independent company, Even Footing Games!
EFG are a group of super cool creatives who made a game that they were excited to share with the world. Take the Rugrats and plug them into a whimsical, weird, and sometimes spooky world, and you have Babies and Broadswords.
Be sure to check out all of EFG's games and supplements wherever you get your games, including at DrivethruRPG or the EFG website.
Follow them on the Socials:
And come check out their lively and fun Discord Server:
Music by Jeremiah Warmbier
Find us here!
Email us at: potionsandpotpourri@gmail.com